

September 14, 2022

GOAL DIMENSIONSNear Term Goals (Fall ‘22 & Spring ‘23)Longer Term Goals (2023-2026+)
PERSONAL-Stop biting my nails
-Go to my first club meetings
-Be more social in college
-Find my close circle of friends
EXTRACURRICULAR-Play volleyball this winter
-Learn how to surf
-Travel the world/country
 -Expand my art skills
ACADEMIC-Pass my upcoming exams
 -Get an A on my first English paper
-Declare my major 
-Enter a career I am passionate about 

I see many connections between my goals and Dweck, DFW, and Range. For instance, in order to break my bad habit of biting my nails, I probably need to develop a growth mindset about it like Dweck suggests. I have just accepted that I will always have this habit, but maybe I need to think about it from a different perspective or look for different ways to find a solution to the problem. Also, based on DFW’s ideas about how our personal experiences and finding meaningfulness in our lives, traveling the country/world in the future might affect how I perceive myself and the world. This also relates to developing new hobbies such as joining new clubs, playing new sports like volleyball and surfing this year, and expanding my art skills. These goals will help me to become a more well rounded person and will help me to break free from “meaningless routines” of life. Based on DFW’s ideas, finding my close friends at school and becoming more social will also help me to think about things more positively if I am finding joy in my personal life. Also, declaring my major and finding a career that I am passionate about greatly relate to the center focus of Range. This is because Range stresses how not knowing what I want to do can potentially be a good thing because Generalists tend to succeed more later in life as opposed to Specialists. 

It was very hard to come up with goals that were specific. I think this might be partly due to the fact that I am undeclared, and I don’t really have any definite goals for my education. My extracurricular goals were easy because I already have a lot of hobbies and am always open to trying new things.
