Peer Review and Revision
Learning Outcome #1: Demonstrate the ability to approach writing as a recursive process that requires substantial revision of drafts for content, organization, and clarity (global revision), as well as editing and proofreading (local revision).
Learning Outcome #4: Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.
1. Reflections on my Writing Process
I was for the most part satisfied with my early drafts for Paper #2. Even though my first draft was an outline, it was very thorough and helped me map out my ideas throughout the rest of the writing process and gave me something to refer back to. My second draft was definitely still rough, but it included much more research. I think my third draft was when everything started to come together and my ideas solidified. I was happy with my topic because it is something I am very passionate about. I think if I were to do the essay again, I would narrow down my topic even more because some of the information I included was somewhat broad. The Peer Review Workshop was very helpful. The feedback I received helped to strengthen my argument, specifically feedback about structure and referencing the prompt more throughout the paper. The lesson that I took away from the writing process was to trust the process. I tried very hard this second paper to do a thorough pre-writing and improving each draft as I went, so that when I reached the final draft there were not many changes I actually had to make to my paper in the end. Lastly, the third paper was by far the easiest paper out of the three of them. This was because I had solidified my writing process and figured out what worked best for me. I started out by conducting preliminary research, creating a thorough outline, brainstorming, and creating multiple drafts. I also split up my writing over multiple weeks, adding to my paper little by little instead of squeezing all of the writing into a short amount of time. This helped me to not procrastinate and to not get stressed out while writing the longest essay yet in the entire semester.