Significant Writing Project
Learning Outcome #2: Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources
Learning Outcome #5: Document their work using appropriate conventions (MLA format).
Learning Outcome #6: Control sentence-level errors (grammar, punctuation, spelling)
Significant Writing Project
In ENG 110, the “Integrating Ideas” learning outcome is focused on text engagement, on your ability to represent the relevant “conversation” between texts, and on your ability to position yourself in that conversation, concepts we first learned about in They Say, I Say and then applied in each of our major writing assignments.
The assignment that best reveals my ability to enhance my views in relation to outside sources is Paper #3: Affordable Housing. I think this paper was my strongest because I was able to incorporate all of the skills that I have learned throughout the semester into one, long paper on an issue that I am very passionate about. The first step in writing this paper was to locate trusted sources that would provide me with credible information. The UNE Library Database was extremely helpful when doing this because I was able to look at peer reviewed journal articles when conducting the brainstorming process. This gave me a standard to look for when doing research elsewhere online. This essay also includes sources from trusted .org and .edu sites, which are often very trustworthy types of websites. Also, I made text-to-text connections between sources and drew on previous knowledge. I gathered different information from multiple sources and incorporated evidence from those sources into one paper. I also demonstrated my ability to form relationships between my own ideas and evidence by backing up my claims with evidence from experts on the topic. In doing so, I backed up my arguments about affordable housing not with opinions, but with facts. I also embedded quotes into the text using signal phrases that alerted the reader that the following quotations were not my own words, but direct quotes taken from my sources. Lastly, I used what I had learned about proper formatting of sources from my previous two essays this semester to create a complete and correct works cited page that documented my various sources.